Quit Wasting Time and Money on Cheap Graphics & Generic Copy that Don’t Build Your Brand or Even Stand Out From the Competition.

Give Your Brand the Gravity it DESERVES to Pull In Customers and Make Them Forget the Competition

You know your business is more than a logo and a few colors. Now is the time to build an irresistible Blue Ocean Brand based on who you really are.

Red Oceans Suck. Escape Today and Create a New Blue Ocean for Your Brand.

(Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start!)

A Red Ocean is any market saturated with competition. It’s kind of like where sharks are in a feeding frenzy, and it seems like the only thing you can do is cut prices in a race to the bottom. That’s not why you got into your business, and it’s darn sure not how you’re going to STAY in business. If that’s you, it’s time to take your brand into a Blue Ocean—a new marketplace that’s free of competition and full of customers looking for what you sell.

If you’re ready to create your own Blue OceanBrand, The HEAVIES Framework will get you there.

Here’s how it works in 3 Steps.

1. Get Crystal Clear on Your MARKET

Understand Your Customer’s Heart

Craft a customer avatar perfect for your product or service, then speak to their heart instead of their wallet. Cut through the noise with a message that resonates deeply.

Map Your Environment

Go deep into your market environment to discover the opportunities your competition can’t see. Then build an irresistible offer your ideal customers love.

Define Your
Anchor Offer

Use that insight to make your anchor product or service irresistible to the market. Evolve and launch into your blue ocean where the competition can’t follow.

2. Answer The RIGHT Questions

Vehicle Questions

Will this actually work for me? Can it do the job? Is it enough? Is it too much? Answer the questions before they are even asked.

Internal Questions

Can I do this? What about the last time I tried (and failed)? Is it too complicated? Can it solve my “unique” issues? Stop these questions cold.

External Questions

Will my boss buy into this? Is there time? Can I get it past my board? Will HR support this? What will my spouse say? Answer these easily.

3. Speak your CUSTOMER’S Language

The Insight You Need to Write Irresistable Sales Content

Finally, bring it all together in sales content that cuts through the competition and invites customers into your new blue ocean with marketing that speaks to exactly what they want and need with no more guesswork or wasted time.

Download Your HEAVIES Quickstart Mini Framework Today!

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I Love Making Things Easier


Can I confess something? I am a hardwired introvert with a lazy streak. Building brands and creating content that get stronger but not harder to manage has always been a challenge. I was desperate for some sort of framework to overcome my natural ADD and make things simple. I couldn't find one, so I made my own. This all comes from that struggle. If it works for me, it can definitely work for you.

What if there was a simple branding framework that could unify and simplify your message instead of getting caught in the marketing chaos around you? What if those tools also took the confusion out of juggling media options and audiences? And what if the same framework gave you a more authentic brand and clear messaging that deeply resonated with your best customers? That’s what the HEAVIES Framework does. Discover the tools to align your message fully with who your business is and who you serve best. Then generate an irresistible brand gravity, with a voice and life of its own.

Hi, I’m Kevin Tracy, and I’ve worked with teams all over the world. I started with multi-million dollar design teams in corporate boardrooms and then left that to work with local leaders in the developing world. From the Andes in Latin America to Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, I’ve discovered a handful of age-old principles that let you connect with all types of people clearly and consistently—especially your best customers.

Great branding is about connection; great design simply gives it a voice. We do both.

Keep reading to find out how you can build an unstoppable brand.


Set up a focused 20-minute discovery call to see how HEAVIES could be the cure for your branding and marketing pains.

Make it EASY to create content yourself or hand it to freelancers. Imagine finally knowing that they have a crystal-clear understanding of you, your product or service, and what you want to say. It’s easier than you think. Contact me today.


How to use the HEAVIES Framework as Your Secret to a Powerful Brand & Marketing Strategy

Get to the Heart of What Your Customers Really & Truly Want

This step is a game-changer even for commodities. Every customer has a heart, and every business has a human on the other end of the phone or email. Look beyond the surface of what your products or services deliver. If your customer buys a drill bit, marketing wisdom says they really want a hole. But what lies beyond that? When you speak to the heart that drives a purchase, you win the conversation every time.

Get below the surface and understand what’s really moving your customers today.


“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”

Ernest Hemingway


What Is Your Business & Market Environment REALLY Like?

Our environment is often invisible—we swim in it and stop seeing it as anything but the background for all we do each day. If you ask a fish, “How’s the water?” you’ll get a funny look every time. However, stepping back to take a critical look at what everyone else takes for granted yields a wealth of information. It takes courage to point out the gaps and slaughter a few sacred cows, but it holds the hidden map to your future blue ocean.

Discover the traps and blind spots that make your ocean red and the keys to make your blue ocean irresistible.

“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?”

Clement Stone

Differentiate Your Anchor (Product or Service)

Even a highly commoditized product can have distinct and unique qualities that set it apart from the competition. After an in-depth look at your marketplace, call out the obvious gaps that your product or service fills. Create a new perspective to address the frustrations that overcrowded Red Oceans always generate. Then increase the contrast between you and everyone else. Don’t just be better; become something altogether different.

Discover how to highlight the hidden differences in your product or service to elevate your brand.


“You need not search for uniqueness, you are unique already. There is no way to make a thing more unique. The words “more unique” are absurd. It is just like the word “circle.” Circles exist; there is no such thing as “more circular.” That is absurd. A circle is always perfect, “more” is not needed.”



Solve Objections About Your Vehicle (Product)

Explain the ways your product or service works where others don’t. Think back on the most common questions and concerns you’ve heard when explaining it to someone else. Don’t avoid them. Mine them for greatness. The more clearly you can tear down concerns and fears, the easier to build confidence and put your competition far behind. Each element that is unique to your offer and distinct in the marketplace is an opportunity to create interest and build confidence in your audience.

Discover how to call out the unique qualities of your product or service and disarm doubts.

“A disruptive innovation is a technologically simple innovation in the form of a product, service, or business model that takes root in a tier of the market that is unattractive to the established leaders in an industry.”

Clayton M. Christensen

Solve Customers’ Internal Fears & Objections

Can I really do this? Can I put this to use? What if I mess it up? What about the last time I tried something like this and failed? Can I lead our team on this? Can I understand it the way I need to? These questions will be unique to each product and service, but they all are found in the customer's capacity to put it to use successfully. Knowing each question leads to a comprehensive offer that solves each. Perhaps it’s more education, more support, free resources, coaching, or a start-up kit that makes it easy. Your understanding of the questions and solutions makes you the trusted ally your customer needs and trusts.

Uncover your customers’ inner fears and questions to provide the support they need and become a source they trust.


“Fear of failure killed more dreams than anything else. Don’t allow fear to have the victory. Start dreaming today and put feet to that which you carry in your heart.”

Mandi Hart


Solve Customers’ External Limits & Obstacles

How do I get my boss onboard? How do I get my spouse to agree? Is there time to make it work? Can we afford this? What will my team say? Is HR going to blow this up? Will it fit our culture? What about fill in the blank? The questions may seem endless but are usually rooted in cost, time, and getting others to buy-in. Answer these directly, support the decisions by removing the risks and equipping the purchaser to be successful. Solve each excuse and remove all obstacles to a sale.

Create and offer tools and systems to support your customers’ success and eliminate objections.

“Every challenge, every adversity, contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.”

Roy Bennett

Now, Turn It All Into Irresistible Sales Content

When you have completed each step in the framework, you’re ready to create a message that grabs your audience’s attention. You’ve uncovered the building blocks to unique sales content that speaks to their heart as well as their head. You’ve solved all of the objections they can think of, and you’ve shown your offer as something that is not just better, but completely different. All that remains is to put it together into a message that speaks directly to your avatar and invites them into your Blue Ocean offer.

Create marketing content that puts distance between you and the competition, builds confidence, and drives sales.


“To be persuasive we must be believable;
to be believable we must be creditable;
to be credible we must be truthful.”

Edward R. Murrow

Now That Your Brand Rocks, Get Your Team Fully Aligned


The SQUAT Analysis is the First Step to a Powerful New Team (and Brand)

Get Your Team Fully on Board to Build Your Brand from the Inside Out.

Start today with a Free Discovery Call to see how the SQUAT Analysis & Framework can change the chaos and disconnect of increasingly fractured work environments into a thriving culture that brings your team closer than ever before. Even more, learn how the SQUAT Framework will position your brand for exponential growth in the new marketplace. Click the button for details.